These flags are super easy to make, using just 3 sheets of felt, some thread and glue.
They are super duper cute for kids bday parties, birthday announcements or as themed cake toppers!

Here are the colours I chose based on my friends preferences and what I had available - for her sons 1st birthday party.

If you're wanting to make your own, you will want 3 complimentary colors, 1 piece of paper, a pen, paper scissors, fabric scissors, fabric glue and matching thread.
I use 100% pure merino Wool Felt which is an absolute pleasure to work with and is very structurally sound but soft.
You can order this online, I get mine through
Oliver and May or The Felt lady, but you can buy acrylic felt from spotlight if you aren't as fussy as me.
In terms of the side ties, some felt can tear easily, so if you prefer you can use bias binding or ribbon for the ties on the side. Merino wool is incrediblely sturdy.
I started off with bias binding but in the end I went with the felt as I thought it looked better ( as you'll notice in the pictures).
Let me know what you think about this choice!
• First step was to make this paper pattern, which was as easy as folding an A4 piece of paper lengthwise and cutting a horizontal triangle.
Before I did this I added an extra inch to the paper to allow for the side pieces that hold the ties in and affix to the flag itself.
The final pattern was 20.5cms x 34cms.

• Cut the extra inch that we added off the triangle as a pattern for the end peices.
• Then cut your main flag and end pieces.

• Lay the end peices over the flag end, and insert your choice of ties. I didn't make a pattern for this I simply cut the ties from felt, but if it helps the tie lengths were 16cms long.
Pin them in place.
After I glued the letters in place I used a sewing machine to stitch around the edges of the end bits, securing the flag and ties in place.
But If I was you I'd do this now.
You can do this by hand if you don't have a machine, and if you do i's suggest using felt ties as this will be much easier to hand stitch through.

Here's a pic of the felt ties I went with instead of the bias binding...

• Using the flag pattern, draw a 1cm boundary around each side.
Draw in the arrow top first - mine was 6cms long.
I drew the letters in backwards, one at a time, leaving 4cm for the 'camp' section.
My letters were 3 - 4 cms wide each.
As you can see 4 letters on this size flag is perfect. If you have a name that is longer I'd recommend starting with a larger size flag base.

When you're happy with it. Cut your lettering pattern out, pin it to your felt and start cutting the letters.

Position the letters perfectly, but before glueing make sure to position the end covers on the flag before gluing down the lettering, to ensure there is enough space.
Once happy, carefully use fabric glue to stick the lettering down.

Here's the final product!
I'd love to know your thoughts or if you give one a try yourself please share your flags with me on Instagram at #larainemaecreations

I love this. I'm going to make hundreds